Having a vegetarian lifestyle has been a popular alternative for healthy living in today's generation. Most people do not understand about a vegetarian diet by several aspects. One major concern for a beginner is the source of protein with the absence of animal products in a vegetarian menu. The fact is there are many plant sources that contain a high amount of protein such as soybeans and soybean products, grains, vegetables and fruits. They are rich sources of good protein without having to eat meat and animal products. Here are major steps to start a vegetarian lifestyle: *Step 1 - Identifying Your Motives You start this lifestyle by several factors. Most obviously, people go with this diet for health reasons. There are also those that are concerned of how animals are treated during the slaughtering process that would consume plant products instead to show their protest against animal cruelty. *Step 2 - Educate Yourself Individuals need to be properly informed before emba...